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Plates Kitchen: Vegan Granola Bars

Vegan Granola Bars


Chewy, crunchy and sweet wrapped up into one bar.

A Supercharged Treat

I have never been much of a planner and I spend most of my mornings running around scrambling to leave on time. These granola bars are PERFECT for busy mornings (and afternoons, and for sweet treats at night). They are easy to grab on my way out the door and full of nutrition to keep me going throughout the day. My go-to granola bar and favorite little snack. I personally am not vegan, but love the benefits of a vegan snack!

Let’s Get Baking

Tools & Ingredients

Here’s everything you’ll need to get started.


Here’s the steps to a fulfilling granola bar to start your day.

This recipe was made with love and passion. Make sure to add this recipe to your Plate! 

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